wtorek, 30 czerwca 2015

Lesson #3 (Film lesson + hotel vocabulary)

Step 1
Find these words in a dictionary (znajdź następujące słowa w słowniku).

sitcom        countryside      tall          rude        customer       wife         

work         employee         maid       waiter     

Step 2
Read the text. Match the names with the pictures. (Przeczytaj tekst. Dopasuj imiona do obrazków)

Fawlty Towers is a sitcom about a hotel in the countryside in Great Britain. The manager of the hotel is Basil Fawlty, tall, dark-haired man, usually very rude to customers. His wife, Sybil, actually does all the work. Basil and Sybil have two employees - Polly and Manuel. Polly is a maid and she also works in a restaurant. Manuel is a waiter. Basil, Sybil and Polly are British, Manuel is from Barcelona, Spain. He has problems with English.

1.______________      2.______________     3.______________     4.______________ 

Step 3
Match the pictures with the words. (Dopasuj obrazki do słów)

1. F 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. C 6. G 7. H 8. B

Step 4
Watch the video. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F). (Obejrzyj film. Czy następujące zdania są prawdziwe czy nie?)

1. Manuel speaks English well.
2. Manuel is cleaning the tables in the restaurant.
3. Major is surprised.
4. Basil Fawlty is sad.

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F

Step 5
Watch the video again and underline the word you hear. (Obejrzyj film ponownie i podkreśl słowo, które słyszysz)

1. How/Who are you, sir?
2. I speak English good/well.
3. I'm fine/OK, thank you.
4. That's a remarkable animal/antique.
5. Er... 20/12 pounds, I think.
6. Canadian/American, I think, Major.

1. how 2. well 3. fine 4. animal 5. 12 6. Canadian 

Step 6
Listen to the  conversation and repeat the phrases. (Posłuchaj dialogu powtarzając kolejne zdania)

Step 7
Find these words in today's lesson. (Znajdź te słowa w dzisiejszej lekcji).

znaleźć, słowo, dopasować, obrazek, prawda, fałsz, ponownie, słuchać

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